- Chair, Poetry Postcard Fest project board (ongoing)
- Board member, Writers Rising Up (ongoing)
- Assistant Editor, Poetry, Right Hand Pointing (ongoing)
- Tupelo Press 30/30 Project (March 2022)
- Interviewer: Lawrence Pevec, Daniel Smith, Laura Gamache, for the Cascadia Lab’s Poetry Postcard Fest (2021-2022)
- Online Poetry Postcard Fest Exhibit (March 2021)
- Assistant Editor, Fiction, Rivet Journal (2015-2021)
- Librarian, Helios School (for gifted children) (2011-2018)
- Author meets, workshops, and readings
- National Poetry Month library and classroom activities and integration
- Collection development
- Story time coordination
- Lit activities including Book-Movie Event, Living Library, SciFi Writing Workshop
- Seminar Leader, Mini-Science Fiction Mini-LitCircle (workshop for gifted middle schoolers, 2018)
- Co-leader, Poetry Party (two-day poetry read/write/perform workshop for gifted children, gr 1-8) (2017)
- Tupelo Press 30/30 Project (April 2016)
- FOGcon workshop participant (March 2016)
- Editor and organizer, August Poetry Postcard Festival 2016 Anthology, Five Oaks Press, 2017
- Screening reader, Writer’s Digest Poem-a-Day Challenge, April 2015
- Selected participant, Art of the Story Workshop, Tom Jenks, Jan 2015
- Moderator, Writing for your own Community, Weekend of Words, Shuffle Collective (May 2020)
- “The Best Poem Ever Written,” Panelist, Richmond CA (October 2018)
- WorldCon76, San Jose, Panelist (Academic Track) with Eric Schwitzgabel, David Brin (August 2018)
- Ethical Responsibilities to Alien Life
- Philosophy Meets Science Fiction (program substitution)
- Alien Minds: What is Possible, and What Can We Do with Them?
- Poets in the Park, Redmond WA (July 2018)
- EasySpeak, Seattle WA, 56 Days Launch Reading (2017)
- Reader, Launch of 56 Days of August anthology, Cascadia Poetry Festival, Tacoma WA (2017)
- Panelist, Poetry Postcards, Bellingham WA (2017)
- Invited reading, launch event for Daniel Ari’s One Way To Ask, May 14, 2016
- Poetry Reading, Book Buyers Mountain View, March 2015
- Invited reading, Lauren Ari art exhibit, Hermosa Salon, Berkeley, CA, May 2014